狮語专访 | 芭芭拉·爱德斯坦: 身体与自然的共舞
对话艺术家 |芭芭拉·爱德斯坦
芭芭拉:我来自加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶,后来搬到纽约居住,在隶属于纽约现代美术馆(MoMA)的 P.S.1 工作室的创作。我成长于一个艺术家庭,但我学习的是艺术、生物和舞蹈。我一生都在从事艺术。我认为艺术是我生命的一部分。
沈奇岚博士:在这次展览中,您带来了两个美丽的系列作品,能给我们详细介绍一下吗?《神秘花园》 和《空气中的叶》?
作为一名艺术家,我一直都在使用水墨作画。而当我来到中国后,水墨就更多的成为我的一种探索。我了解到了八大山人,我觉得他的构图方式、空间布局都很棒。画面空白之处不是空的,而是留白,这与西方人将其称为 "负 "空间的观点不同。
芭芭拉:作为一名女性,雕塑家和雕塑历来以男性为主导。但是像克莱尔·法尔肯斯坦(Claire Falkenstein)、路易丝·尼维尔森(Louise Nevelson)和路易丝·布尔乔亚(Louise Bourgeois),她们不是我的导师,但却是我的偶像。她们比我更早进入这个领域,作为女性,她们不得不更加努力。我从她们的作品中学到了很多,雕塑可以非常精致,也可以非常坚固。
关于艺术家 | About the Artist
芭芭拉·爱德斯坦 Barbara Edelstein
芭芭拉·爱德斯坦的作品广泛的在世界多地的美术馆,艺术中心以及画廊展出,包括纽约P.S.1当代艺术中心,德国波恩女性艺术家美术馆,意大利威尼斯双年展,韩国光州双年展,波兰艺术家美术馆双年展,以及在上海美术馆,广东美术馆展出。芭芭拉·爱德斯坦创作的多件大型公共雕塑被长期或永久性地展示在美国及中国,包括美国裘拉斯现代雕塑公园、上海静安国际雕塑公园、广东美术馆以及杭州西湖环境雕塑项目。其作品也被 美国Ahmanson 当代艺术中心、美国华盛顿国立女艺术家美术馆、上海美术馆和深圳画院美术馆、美国道·琼斯总部艺术中心等多国公共及私人艺术机构收藏。
Barbara Edelstein, born in Los Angeles, California, is a sculptor and multi-media artist that has lived and worked in both New York and Shanghai since 2000. She received her BA from the University of California, Santa Cruz in Art and Biology, and her MFA in Art from Claremont Graduate University, and had been an Associate Professor of Art at New York University in Shanghai.
Barbara Edelstein's work blends ink, nature, and contemporary cultural elements to create unique artistic meanings and visual forms. Having a western perspective on art, growing up on the Pacific Rim with its Eastern influences, and having worked in China for many years, has given her a unique viewpoint to combine both the cultures of the East and West into her art, and develop her multi-media artworks. Her art strives to render the poetic manifestation of the artist’s deep communion with the forms and spaces of nature, to create a denotation of its very essence, wherein all of nature is in movement, evolution, and transformation.
Barbara Edelstein's artworks have been widely exhibited in art museums, art centers, and galleries around the world, including P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center in New York, the Frauen Museum in Bonn, Germany, the Venice Biennale in Italy, Gwangju Biennale in Korea, the Artists Museum Biennale in Poland, Shanghai Art Museum, and the Guangdong Museum of Contemporary Art. She has had large-scale public sculptures on permanent and long-term display in China, United States, and Europe, including the Djerassi Sculpture Park in California, the Shanghai JingAn International Sculpture Park, the Guangdong Museum of Art, the Hangzhou Municipal Government, and the Muzeum Kolei Waskotorowej in Poland. Her works are in the collections of several public and private institutions in many countries, including the Ahmanson Center for Contemporary Art, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, the Shanghai Art Museum, the Shenzhen Gallery and Museum, and the Dow Jones Company.
关于策展人 | About the Curator
沈奇岚博士 Dr. Shen Qilan
近年来策划的展览包括《时间的裂缝》《A.R.Penck: 暗喻会否成真?》《包豪斯课堂》《暗蚀》《重整|德国艺术立场》《中国骄傲——把当代作为方法》、《万物有灵且美》、《贾蔼力:莽原》、《感性对话》、《再生》、《意志与表象的世界》、《世迹》,《万物皆相见》,《知觉的森林》,上海双年展国际论坛“回环”系列,“我们的未来The Futures”系列国际论坛等。她也担任了《蓬皮杜现代艺术大师展》、《艺术家此在》等国际展览的顾问。
沈奇岚为多家国际艺术媒体和艺术机构撰写专栏和画册文章,包括上海博物馆、上海龙美术馆,意大利乌菲齐美术馆、澳大利亚当代艺术馆、意大利Skira出版社,Financial Times中文网、《信睿周报》、《生活》月刊、Noblesse、artnet等。2021年沈奇岚与ELLE合作了富有影响力的艺术音频节目《艺术治愈生活》。2022年,她与碧云美术馆合作了《Write it!写下来》文学播客。2023年起,她担任国际艺术杂志《art now》客座主编。沈奇岚是中国新一代文化学者和策展人的代表人物之一。
Shen Qilan is an art critic, curator, cultural scholar and writer. She received her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Münster, Germany. She was the editorial director of Art World magazine and editor-in-chief of the art department at Insight Media publishing house. She is also an editorial board member of Book Town magazine. She is a guest professor of East China Normal University.
Shen Qilan focuses on the ongoing dialogue between art and philosophy,she curated a number of internationally influential exhibitions and forums with domestic and international art institutions. Recent exhibitions: "Aura of Poetry" “A. R. Penck: Will Sign Become Reality?” "Bauhaus Class", " Eingedunkelt", "China Pride - Contemporary as a Method", “Bright and Beautiful”, “Jia Aili: Harsh”, “Un Dialogue avec la Sensibilité”,“Regenerate”,“Die Welt der Wille und Vorstellung”,“Paths”,”Nothing is wasted in Nature or in Love”,“The Forest of Senses”. Shen Qilan planned and presided over the international forum “Detour: A Dialogue between Art and Philosophy" for Shanghai Biennale 2018. In the same year, she also curated and presided over the international cultural dialogue series “The Futures”.
Shen Qilan worked as consultant to "Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou 1906 - 1977" exhibition, 2016. She is academic consultant for the exhibition "Sightings| Positions of Art from Germany" 2019. In 2020, she is the nominator and curator of the Discovery Award for the Jimei-Arles International Photography Festival.
In 2022, she is artistic advisor and curator for the Porsche “Young Chinese Artist of the Year” Award. She’s curatorial Mentor for the Young Art 100 Exhibition Masterplan 2022. In 2023 she curated “The Poesie of illusions”, a phenomenal exhibition of video art masterpieces for the Beijing International Film Festival.
Shen Qilan has contributed to columns on many international art media and catalogs for international art institutions, including Financial Times, Artnet, The Thinker Weekly, Life, Noblesse, T magazine, Uffizi Museum, Shanghai Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Skira Press in Italy, among other important media and institutions. 2021, Shen Qilan has collaborated with ELLE and produced an influential art audio program "Art Heals Life". 2022, She collaborated with Being Museum and makes an audio program “Write it!”. Since 2023, she has been guest editor-in-chief of the international art magazine art now.
Shen Qilan is one of the representative figures of the new generation of Chinese cultural scholars and curators.
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